Theater play, 2007
Written by Sergio Villanueva
Directed by Giovanna Ribes
The story is about a relationship that comes to an end. One of its two halves is a young theatre director, who tries to cope with the end of this relationship in terms of comedy, although he realizes is going to be quite difficult for him. During his rehearsals with the actors involved in the project, his play will change through their own experiences. The situation becomes complicated when the theatre director, trying to use his art as therapy, discovers that, in the art world, everything is more perfect than in the real world.
- Title: Hunting shooting stars
- Genre: Comedy
- Language: Spanish
- Runtime: 90 min
- Cast: Cristina Fernández, Ximo Rojo, Sergio Villanueva
- Audiovisual, lighting and set design 2 de 3 Espai Escènic: Giovanna Ribes, Concha Ros, Miracle Candela.