Documentary, 2005
Several directors including Giovanna Ribes
A taxi driver is always a source of stories. New Year’s Eve and the long-awaited New Year full of expectations is an excuse to tour different cities around the world on a taxi, where, despite the differences, we discover what unites us as human beings.
- Title: Rides & Wishes, people in cabes at new year ́s eve
- Genre: documentary
- Nationality: Several
- Language: English, Spanish, German, Arab, Croatian, Chinese.
- Running time 21:29 min
- Shooting format: DVcam
- Delivery format: Digi Beta
- Ratio 4:3
- Colour: colour
- Sound: Stereo
Original Idea: Anja Jökel & Bettina Walter
Directed by
- Frederique Barthalais (Beijing)
- Patricia Caspari / Mariejosephin Schneider (Berlín)
- Anja Joeckel (Hamburgo)
- Rose Kowalski/ Madeleine Sheahan (Samoa)
- Marie Offrell (Gothenburg)
- Krik / Petschinka (Vienna)
- Giovanna Ribes (Dublin)
- Eva Rink (Zagreb)
- Bettina Schoeller (New York)
- Viola Shafik (Cairo)
- Fernando Venturini Gónzalez (Caracas)
Editor: Annett Kiener
Title Design & Animation: René Nieman
Executive producers: Anja Jöckel & Bettina Walter
A Polar Star Films Production