TV movie, 2007
by Giovanna Ribes
- XXIX MOSTRA DE VALENCIA (2008)/Best Photography Award
- X PREMIS TIRANT (2008) / Nominated to: Best actress, Best Original Script, Best Director and Best Fim.
- V FESTIVAL DE ALICANTE (2008) / Official Selection in Cine Solidario section.
- FESTIVAL INQUIET (2007) / Official Selection
- FESTIVAL DE LA INTEGRACIÓN (2007) / Official Premier for Comunidad Valenciana
- PREMIS TIRANT (2005)/ Best Script and Best Project for TVMovie. RTVV, FIA-UIMP, with the collaboration of PILOTS.
Una noche, un grupo de inmigrantes de procedencias diversas (Cuba, Sahara, Colombia, Rumania), y por diferentes motivos, busca cobijo en un edificio en construcción.Tras un altercado con el guardia de seguridad, que les cobra por permitirles estar allí, deciden de común acuerdo atrincherarse en el edificio.Este acuerdo amistoso no dura mucho tiempo y las diferencias entre ellos surgen inmediatamente creando situaciones a veces divertidas, otras veces tensas, tiernas, de amor. One night, a group immigrants of different origins (Cuba, Sahara, Colombia, Romania), and for different reasons, seek for shelter in a building under construction. After a row with the security guard who charges money for allowing them to spend the night, they decide by mutual agreement to entrench in the building. This mutual agreement will not last long and the differences among them arise immediately creating situations sometimes funny, sometimes tense, other tender or of love.
- Title: La torre de babel-The Tower of Babel
- Genre: TV movie
- Nationality: Spanish
- Language: Spanish
- Running Time: 90 min
- Shooting Format: HD
- Delivery Format: HD/ Digi Beta
- Ratio: 16:9
- Colour: colour
- Sound: Stereo
- Hamid Kim: Tahwalu
- Andrés Cavallin: Elpidio